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Health Services

Cesarean Section

Women's Health and Pregnancy graphic image

Cesarean section is also known as C-section

  • This is a major obstetrical surgery to deliver the baby through an incision (cut) on the abdomen and the uterus.
  • It is associated with surgical risks and is only recommended when medically indicated.
  • There are obstetrical reasons to perform a C-section
  • Before the C-section, the anesthesia provider will give you a spinal or epidural anesthesia. These are the safest options to make your C-section a comfortable experience and to allow you and your significant other to enjoy the birth of your baby. General anesthesia is rarely used for C-section.
  • At this time, most data still indicate that vaginal birth is still superior to C-section when it comes to mother and baby’s over all health so c-sections are only done when indicated.

Scheduled Cesarean Section

Schedule C-sections are performed when you:

  • Had a previous C-section and do not want to labor again or it is unsafe for you to labor
  • Malpresentation
  • Abnormal placenta
  • Defects of the baby
  • Defect in the mother’s pelvis
  • Certain uterine surgery compromising the integrity of the uterine muscle
  • The recommendations are clearly for this procedure to be done after 39 weeks gestation c-sections are scheduled prior to 39 weeks only if medical criteria are meet.

Scheduled Induction—Pre-Operative Procedures

  • Your provider will give you a scheduled date for the C-section. This can be subject to last minute changes in order to ensure maximum safety.
  • 1-3 days before your scheduled C-section, you must:
    • Go to Admission (3rd floor behind the Starbuck coffee stand) to fill out your pre-admission documents.
    • Go to L&D to get laboratory documents for blood work.
    • Go to the laboratory (3rd floor across from OB/GYN Clinic) to get your pre-operative blood work.
  • Night before C-section: do not eat or drink after midnight.
  • Call L&D 915 742-2455 no later than 5:00am. The L&D Staff will let you know if there are rooms available. If there are rooms, be present on L&D no later than 6:00am.

Unplanned Cesarean Section

  • These are C-sections performed while the woman is in labor or with rupture of membrane
  • Reasons for unplanned C-section
    • The cervix fails to open up during labor (Arrest of Dilation)
    • The baby fails to come down far enough for Operative Vaginal Delivery or an unsuccessful trial of operative vaginal delivery (Arrest of Descent)
    • Non-reassuring fetal heart tracing
    • Patients with Planned C-section going into labor/ruptured membrane before the scheduled date
    • Active Genital Herpes Infection when in labor/rupture of membrane
    • Multiple gestation (especially twins) when the first baby is not head down
    • Other reasons that you and your Providers will discuss if labor is not an optimal option for your pregnancy

Vaginal Birth After Cesarean

Supported at WBAMC OB provider available on L&D unit 24/7 to ensure safety.

Contact Us


915-742-9772 or 
Appointment line: 915-742-2273
TRICARE Nurse Advice Line:​ 1-800-874-2273

MHS Genesis Patient Portal image


18511 Highland Medics Street,
El Paso, Texas 79918
Locator map image

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