Live in the West Region? There is now a referral approval waiver in place through March 31, 2025. Learn More
Also, you have until March 31 to set up your payment info if you pay by EFT, credit card, or debit card. This is for TRICARE Prime, TRICARE Select, TYA, TRS, and TRR plans. If you miss this deadline, you will be disenrolled back to Jan. 1. Visit today.

Health Services

Soldier Readiness Processing Center


The Fort Bliss Soldier Readiness Processing Center (SRPC) mission is to conduct efficient deployment readiness processing to standard in a customer friendly environment.

OIC: 915-742-4152
XO: 915-742-4264
NCOIC: 915-742-4154
Location: Building 1717, Marshall Rd, Fort Bliss, Texas 79916

Points of Contact
Commander: 915-742-4152
XO: 915-742-4264
MED Civilian Site Manager: 915-742-4281 / 4261


  • Soldiers must be in OCP or APFT uniform to process through the SRPC (BLDG 1717).
  • Soldiers cannot bring backpacks, Gerber's, knives and/or bags into the building.
  • All Soldiers are required to be at SRPC (BLDG 1717) 30 minutes prior to their start time.
  • All (Active Duty/NG/R) Soldiers Deploying/Mobilizing must complete their PDHA (DD2795) and SGLI prior to coming to SRPC (BLDG 1717).
  • All (Active Duty/NG/R) Soldiers Redeploying/Demobilizing must complete their PDHA (DD2796) prior to coming to SRPC (BLDG 1717).
  • All (Active Duty/NG/R) Soldiers must complete their PDHRA (DD2900) (Part 1) 180 days after Demobilizing.
  • PHA is done in BLDG 1717 for NG/R Soldiers ONLY. Active duty Soldiers must do their PHA at their Troop Medical Clinic.
  • PHA and PDHRA is located at under the “MHA (PHA/DHA/Referral Tracking)” hyperlink.
  • If Active Duty Soldiers are late for briefings, they must reschedule with their BDE S-1 for a later date and time. For NG/R Soldiers, they must contact their respected Mobilization Branch personnel. Any further questions, please call or email SRPC Schedulers: 915-742-4153 or MEDICAL Operations / 915-742-742-4261.

Medical Requirements for Mobilizing Personnel

Active duty, ARNG, and USAR Soldiers must have accompanying deployment orders or as arranged memorandum for pending deployment readiness processing in order to be processed through the medical sections of the SRPC site.

Mobilizing Personnel:

CENTCOM AOR: (Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Yemen, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, Sudan, Seychelles, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.)
Per USCENTCOM 17 APR 2023 MOD 17 to USCENTCOM Individual Protection and Individual-Unit Deployment Policy, applicable individuals must meet certain medical standards to deploy into the USCENTCOM area of responsibility. MOD17 applies to U.S. military personnel, to include activated reserve and national guard personnel, DoD civilians, DoD contractors, DoD sub-contractors, volunteers, and third country nationals (TCN) traveling or deploying to the USCENTCOM AOR and working under the auspices of the DoD. Waivers for entry should be sent to the applicable component for adjudication

COCOM: Specific requirements will be followed depending on deployment destination. Each COCOM has specific Force Health Protection Guidelines.
Medical Requirements:

  1. Yearly PHA (physical health assessment) must be current within 12 months of deployment.
  2. Civilians over age 35 and Soldiers over 40 must have an EKG and Lipid panel drawn with results within five years of deployment. Required for deployment and PHA.
  3. Women’s Readiness should fit the criteria of the Women’s Readiness Guidelines. Pap smear should be within six months of flight date.
  4. HIV test results within 90 days of deployment (flight date).
  5. Copies of any Profiles (DA 3349), MMRB/MEB results and/or waivers.
  6. Medical records. Units will ensure that all Soldiers will have DD 2766 (deployment health record) available during the SRP Process.
  7. DD Form 2215 E or DD Form 2216 E (Reference Audiogram). Refer to audiology section.
  8. Do not come with permanent 3 or 4 profiles unless you have been cleared by a MMRB/MEB and given a fit for duty letter or waiver prior to arrival at Fort Bliss or you will be REFRAD. Civilians will be required to have a Physical Exam within one year of deployment and should not expire during the deployment. Guidance is to have the physical within 90 days of the beginning of a one year deployment. The only laboratory requirements are listed below, Lipids based on age, G6PD, Blood Type, Serum sample and pregnancy testing.

Medical Requirements:

  1. Yearly PHA (physical health assessment) must be current within 12 months of deployment.
  2. Civilians over age 35 and soldiers over 40 must have an EKG and Lipid panel drawn with results within five years of deployment. Required for deployment and PHA.
  3. Women’s Readiness should fit the criteria of the Women’s Readiness Guidelines. Pap smear should be within six months of flight date.
  4. HIV test results within 90 days of deployment (flight date).
  5. Copies of any Profiles (DA 3349), MMRB/MEB results and/or waivers.
  6. Medical records.
  7. DD Form 2215 E or DD Form 2216 E (Reference Audiogram). Refer to audiology section.
  8. Do not come with permanent 3 or 4 profiles unless you have been cleared by a MMRB/MEB and given a fit for duty letter or waiver prior to arrival at Fort Bliss or you will be REFRAD. Civilians will be required to have a Physical Exam within one year of deployment and should not expire during the deployment. Guidance is to have the physical within 90 days of the beginning of a one year deployment. The only laboratory requirements are listed below, Lipids based on age, G6PD, Blood Type, Serum sample and pregnancy testing.


A list of all non-deployable diagnoses and their severity would be too extensive to list here. Please refer to COCOM, specific Force Health Protection Guidelines such as CENTCOM MOD 17, Women’s Readiness Guidelines Guidelines (OTSG/MEDCOM Policy Memo 11-054), Personnel Policy Guidance for Oversees Contingency Operations (PPG) Chapter 7, August 9, 2013 and Clinical Practice Guidance for Deployment-Limiting Mental Disorders and Psychotropic Medications, October 7, 2013.


Refence - AR 40-501, Chapter 3, DA PAM 40-501, Army Hearing Program, 08 January, 2015, AR 40-502, OTSG/MEDCOM Policy Memo 22-040
  1. Need valid DD Form 2215-E (Reference Audiogram) or DD2216-E (Hearing Conservation Data) recorded in DOEHRS-HC and exported to DOEHRS-DR within nine months of arrival at the Soldier Resilience and Readiness Center.
  2. The DD Form 2215-E (Reference Audiogram) or DD Form 2216-E forms must have automated results; free-typed and handwritten results will not be accepted and the test will be re-administered. Results on DD Form 2808 (Record of Medical Examination) or MEPS will not be accepted.
  3. H-2: Personnel identified as an H-2 must have an Audiologic Evaluation by a licensed Audiologist or Audiology Specialist (MD, DO, NP, PA, etc. not acceptable). If H-2 is confirmed SM must have a current, permanent DA Form 3349 (Profile) with a “J1” code. Both the evaluation and profile are valid for five years from the date of exam/issue however, SM must also undergo annual testing.
  4.  Audiologists at all Army facilities will assess all H-3 Soldiers to provide recommendations concerning potential hearing impairments that might have negative operational impacts using the Army approved military operational hearing tests (MOHTs) such as the speech recognition in noise test. The MOHT will be administered by audiologists, trained ear, nose, and throat specialists (MOS 68U), or trained civilian technicians in a sound treated room, under earphones without use of hearing aids. These tests provide support for recommendations concerning operational impacts of hearing loss for consideration when completing the physical profile assignment limitations on DA Form 3349 and provide appropriate information for medical and administrative board determination. H-3: Personnel identified as an H-3 must have an Audiologic Evaluation and Military operational hearing test (MOHT). Per OTSG/MEDCOM Policy Memo 22-040. Audiologists who do not have access to the MOHT may use the Speech Recognition in Noise Test (SPRINT) and make profile decisions based on outcome of SPRINT until 15 DEC 2023 If H-3 is confirmed SM must undergo a MAR2 Board (Fit for Duty) and have a current, permanent DA Form 3349 (Profile) with a "W" or "Y" code. SM must undergo annual testing. Hearing loss that. falls within H4 profile range requires MEB.
  5. Personnel requiring any of the above listed items will be tested on-site.
  6. WBAMC and the SRRC Audiology Department strive for a maximum three day availability for all appointments. Be advised this is not always feasible. SM’s lacking any of the respective aforementioned items/documentation may be required to return for follow-up testing and/or appointments thus delaying the SM in their respective process and in some cases being held under/over. Units should strive to resolve ALL hearing issues prior to arrival at the Soldier Resilience and Readiness Center.

Laboratory Requirements:

  1. HIV Requirements: ALL Military personnel/DOD personnel MUST have a current HIV (within 90 days of FLY OUT DATE). Service members/DOD personnel must have proof that HIV/Serum Sample was drawn with documented results. If done elsewhere, results must be annotated in MHS GENESIS
  2. Serum Sample: A serum sample will be drawn within 365 days of deployment. If a Serum Sample was drawn elsewhere, results must be annotated in HS GENESIS.
  3. Upon return from any OCONUS Re-Deployment/Demobilization, all military and DOD personnel will have Serum Sample drawn.
  4. G6PD: Glucose-6-Phosphate-Dehydrogenase is a laboratory test that screens a patient for G6PD deficiency before prescription for Anti-Malarial medication is given.
  5. All military personnel and DOD personnel will be tested for SRPC deficiency.
  6. PREGNANCY TEST: Females processing through the SRRC site are required to have a pregnancy test done if Mobilizing/Deploying 30 days prior to their FLY OUT date or 72 hours prior to receiving a live virus vaccinations (smallpox, MMR, varicella, etc).
  7. If a female has had a bi-lateral tubal ligation, hysterectomy, or is post-menopausal, the pregnancy test will be waived if the woman completes/certifies on DA form 4700 that she is not able to become pregnant.
  8. DNA: A DNA sample will be done at the SRPC site if one is not already on file at the Armed Forces DNA Repository.
  9. Blood Type: A blood type sample will be drawn at the SRPC site if you are unaware of your blood type and if acceptable documentation of your blood type is not presented. Acceptable documentation of a blood type would be a Red Cross donor card, a lab result for an ABO-Rh, or a dated draw with your blood type inside your medical record.

Immunization Requirements:

These requirements are for all personnel dependent on area of operation when processing through the SRPC.

  1. Hepatitis A: This is a two-part series: day 0 and six months later.
  2. Hepatitis B: This is a three-part series: day 0, 30 days after first shot and five months after second shot.
  3. Twinrix: (combination Hep. A and Hep. B) three-part series: day 0, 30 days after first shot and five months after second shot.
  4. MMR must have two adult doses documented or evidence of being medically immune.
  5. Polio: Given one time over the age of 18 years.
  6. Tetanus/Diphtheria: Within the last 10 years.
  7. Tetanus Diphtheria Acellular Pertussis: Within the last 10 years or five years after receiving Tetanus Diphtheria to provide immunity for Pertussis.
  8. Tuberculin Skin Test: Only required for at risk patients based on screening questionnaire. All MPs assigned to detainee operations should have pre-post deployment TB skin testing. 30 days from leaving AOR, and three to six months after redeployment with documentation of read results.
  9. Smallpox: Only required for specific locations per COCOM guidance. Within 10 years. Not given to personnel over age 64.
  10. Typhoid: Within the last two years for personnel going to certain areas of operation. (Oral Typhoid: within the last five years for personnel going to certain AOs)
  11. Influenza: Once between October and June every year.
  12. Influenza Intranasal: Once a year between October and June. Only given to personnel under the age of 50 with no contraindications.
  13. Anthrax: At this time it is mandatory for all personnel deploying to CENTCOM Arab Peninsula Region - is not given to 65 and older:
  14. Only required for specific locations per COCOM guidance. Yellow Fever: Within the last 10 years.
  15. Varicella: Two-part series requiring two adult doses or evidence of being medically immune.


  • If you have started but have not completed Hep A, Hep B, Twinrix or the Anthrax immunizations and have proof, you will not restart the series.
  • If you have had a positive reaction from the Tuberculin skin test, and it has been documented, you will not receive another.
  • SMALLPOX you will be evaluated by a provider at the SRPC site for the smallpox vaccine. If you are able to receive the vaccine you will be given written instructions as to how to take care of the vaccine. For more information on Smallpox:; or you can visit the CDC web site at

Please follow the instructions CAREFULLY:
Documentation of immunizations is necessary. If you don’t have documentation you will receive your vaccines again no exceptions. Ensure you bring your shot record whenever you come to the SRPC site.


  1. SM must not wear contact lenses.
  2. SM must bring their most current prescription lenses to wear and use for a Visual Acuity Test.
  3. SM must have a current written prescription for glasses in their possession. If not available, prescriptive lenses can be used for ordering purposes.
  4. SM required to bring a letter from Doctor if SM had recent eye surgery or any ocular trauma.
  5. To meet the requirements, all personnel (civilian and military) must be at least 20/40 vision in both eyes. If not, an appointment will be made thru the SRPC providers to be seen by an optometrist.
  6. Each person should have in their possession two (civilian or military) pairs of glasses, gas mask inserts, and ballistic eyewear inserts. Personnel that do not meet these standards will be referred to WBAMC Optometry Clinic.

Patient Administration:

Line of Duty (LOD) -During mobilization, units must initiate and complete LODs for their Soldiers. Without clear evidence that supports LOD requirements the SRPC will not be able to complete the LOD. It is imperative that units not only create an environment that affords Soldiers the opportunity to seek medical care but that it also acts immediately if circumstances require a LOD. The unit representative initiates the LOD in the electronic LOD module (eMMPS) in MEDCHART. Limited or no MEDCHART access should not prevent LODs from being initiated, units should utilize the unit rear detachment to upload and process if necessary. If during the RSRP process medical staff determine a LOD is required and has not been initiated by the unit, the Soldier will be referred to the PAD section. The PAD section will use supporting medical documentation and the service member's orders in order to complete the DA form 2173 and LOD memorandum. Formal LOD's cannot be processed through the SRPC.

Medical Records: During the pre-mobilization process units should prepare DD Form 2766s for each Soldier. The pertinent contents of the DD Form 2766 are discussed at the unit mobilization site visit. Questions can be referred to the SRPC Patient Administration at 915-742-4493. Preparation of the DD Form 2766 with the pertinent contents will facilitate an efficient SRP as well as ensure the information is available for continuity of care while mobilized). PAD includes the MedPros and Medical Final Out stations, please refer any questions pertaining to those areas to the PAD Section NCOIC at 915-742-4493.

Contact Us


915-742-6801 or 
Appointment line: 915-742-2273
TRICARE Nurse Advice Line:​ 1-800-874-2273

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18511 Highland Medics Street,
El Paso, Texas 79918
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