Live in the West Region? There is now a referral approval waiver in place through March 31, 2025. Learn More
Also, you have until March 31 to set up your payment info if you pay by EFT, credit card, or debit card. This is for TRICARE Prime, TRICARE Select, TYA, TRS, and TRR plans. If you miss this deadline, you will be disenrolled back to Jan. 1. Visit today.

Patient Resources

Medical Protection System - Medpros

New Hospital front panoramic view


The Medical Protection System (MEDPROS) was developed by the AMEDD to track all immunization, medical readiness, and deployability data for all Active and Reserve components of the Army as well as DA Civilians, contractors and others. It is a powerful tool allowing the chain of command to determine the medical and dental readiness of individuals, units, and task forces. Commander's and Medical leaders at various echelons are responsible for the use and implementation of MEDPROS to measure their unit/individual medical readiness status.

Policies and Procedures

The comprehensive Medical Readiness data includes all medical and dental readiness requirements IAW AR 600-8-101. They include immunizations, permanent physical profiles/duty limitations, eyeglasses/inserts, blood type, medical warning tags, personal deployment meds, pregnancy screening, DNA, HIV and dental status among other data elements.

Access Procedures

Personnel that require access beyond their homepage must complete:


Information posted TBD

  1. DHA-US298, Medical Readiness Healthcare Portal) in Joint Knowledge Online (JKO) at: 
  2. HIPAA and Privacy Act Training (DHA US 0001) (1-hour) on the Joint Knowledge Online (JKO):
  3. Complete all highlighted sections of Forms DD 2875 and DD2929 for access to MEDPROS Web Data Entry (MWDE) only.
  4. Mental Health Assessment Training (DHA US 332). The current DoD requirement for the DoD Mental Health Assessment (MHA) training (for non-behavioral health providers) will remain to meet DoD standards to complete the Mental Health Assessment portion of the DoD PHA. The link for the DoD MHA (DHA-US332) training is:
    1. Users must have a DoD Common Access Card (CAC) enabled computer with at least Internet Explorer (IE) Version 11 to access the Healthcare Portal.
    2. All users who have previously held access to e-Profile had their roles translated into the Healthcare Portal. All new users must register for access through the Medical Readiness Portal Settings or directly via the User Management app .
    3. All Providers will have their Credentials verified by the Credentials Department at William Beaumont Army Medical Center prior to being granted access to the Health Care Portal.
    4. Once all the forms are received by the Medical Readiness Coordinator (MRC) and all appropriate signatures blocks are verified, the forms will be filed and scanned into a reference file.

Contact Us


Appointment line: 915-742-2273
TRICARE Nurse Advice Line:​ 1-800-874-2273

MHS Genesis Patient Portal image

18511 Highland Medics Street,
El Paso, Texas 79918
Locator map image

Don't forget to keep your family's information up to date in DEERS!