Live in the West Region? There is now a referral approval waiver in place through March 31, 2025. Learn More
Also, you have until March 31 to set up your payment info if you pay by EFT, credit card, or debit card. This is for TRICARE Prime, TRICARE Select, TYA, TRS, and TRR plans. If you miss this deadline, you will be disenrolled back to Jan. 1. Visit today.

Health Services

Contraceptive Services

Get all your contraceptive care in one place, WBAMC walk-in contraceptive clinic.

All beneficiaries are eligible for care and counseling at walk-in contraceptive clinics and can receive education on safe sexual practices, contraceptives, and STI prevention and treatment.

Beginning January 4, 2023, William Beaumont Army Medical Center (WBAMC) will offer a second weekly opportunity for female beneficiaries to get all contraceptive care in one place:

Option 1:

Every Tuesday morning at the Department of Women’s Health, located at WBAMC, West Clinic, 5th FloorThe clinic is open every Tuesday morning, with check in from 0800-0900 for WiCS.

Option 2:

Every Wednesday afternoon at the SSG Hugo V. Mendoza Soldier Care Clinic, 1st Floor, with check in from 1300-1500.
The clinic is open every Wednesday afternoon from 1300-1500 for WiCS, pap exams and sexually transmitted infection (STI) testing.
Both options are available for all female beneficiaries enrolled to WBAMC.

Services Offered

  • Service 1 Contraception
  • Service 2 Menstrual Management and Menstrual Suppression
  • Service 3 Referral for Tubal Ligation or Vasectomy
  • Pills
  • Implants (i.e., Nexplanon)
  • IUDs (Mirena, Kyleena, Paragard)
  • Emergency Contraception
  • Rings (Annovera, NuvaRing)
  • Depo-Provera injections
  • Condoms
  • Spermicides
  • Vasectomy preoperative evaluations

 How it Works

… no appointment necessary, etc. Here, provide details about how to get care at the walk-in clinic. We understand that it’s “walk-in,” but there may be more specific information that needs to be shared so patients understand how to access care at the clinic.].

Option 1:

On Tuesday morning, sign in at the Department of Women’s Health front desk for the WiCS Clinic between 0800-0900.

Option 2:

On Wednesday afternoon, sign in at the SSG Hugo V. Mendoza Soldier Care Clinic’s front desk for the WiCS Clinic from 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm. Services will be offered on a first come, first serve walk-in basis.

Contact Us




1. Every Tuesday
Sign in 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM
2. Every Wednesday:
Sign in 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM


WBAMC, Women’s Health,
West Clinic, 5th Floor
(Tuesday AMs)

SSG Hugo V. Mendoza
Soldier Care Clinic
(Wednesday PMs)

MHS Genesis Patient Portal image


18511 Highland Medics Street,
El Paso, Texas 79918
Locator map image

Don't forget to keep your family's information up to date in DEERS!