Live in the West Region? There is now a referral approval waiver in place through March 31, 2025. Learn More
Also, you have until March 31 to set up your payment info if you pay by EFT, credit card, or debit card. This is for TRICARE Prime, TRICARE Select, TYA, TRS, and TRR plans. If you miss this deadline, you will be disenrolled back to Jan. 1. Visit today.

Getting Care

Correspondence/Record Request

Medical Records header image

WBAMC Release of Information (ROI) Office

NOTICE: The ROI office is working diligently to improve turnaround times amid high request volumes and a hospital-wide hiring freeze. The current average turnaround time is approximately 30 days.

Release of Information Mission 

To provide medical information to our customers in a prompt, professional manner, while protecting patient's privacy and ensuring each request is releasable in accordance with State and Federal laws.

Release of Information fulfills requests and provides various services for continuity of care, service member PCS/separation/retirement, insurance claims, attorneys, law enforcement, and more for the El Paso Marketplace.

Hours of Operation

  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, & Friday: 7:30 a.m. – 4:15 p.m.
  • Thursday: 7:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
  • Closed: Weekends and federal holidays and Thursday 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.


  • 1st floor West Clinic, WBAMC (near the Outpatient Pharmacy)
  • Phone: (915) 742-0661
  • Fax: (915) 569-0710
Disclaimer: By emailing us, you acknowledge that there is a risk of unintentional disclosure of Personal Identifiable Information (PII) if emails are not encrypted. You may choose to submit your request by fax, mail, or in person to avoid the possibility of unintentional disclosures.

For your convenience, patients can request Medical and Behavioral Health Records at the Release of Information Help Desk on the first floor of the West Clinic. Short requests (less than 30 pages) can be processed on the spot, including:
  • Lab results
  • Immunization records
  • Radiology Reports (Images must be requested in the Radiology Department)
  • Physicals (school, sports, etc.)
  • Electronic Progress/Office visit note(s)
  • Appointment list
  • Medication List
  • EKGs
Large or complex requests can be submitted at our Help Desk, via fax, or email (details below). For additional information, please call (915) 742-0661 during our business hours above.

How to download Your Electronic Health Records (EHR) at Home!

The MHS GENESIS Patient Portal will replace TRICARE Online (including the patient portal and secure messaging at this facility). Patients can still access it until October 2024.
  • To learn how to access records still in TRICARE Online: Click here
  • If you have a current TRICARE Online account, it will migrate to MHS GENESIS. No action is necessary from you.
  • If you don’t already have a TRICARE Online account, you can log onto MHS GENESIS Patient Portal using your DS Logon Premium Account. If you don’t have a DS Logon Premium Account or have questions about DS Logon, visit the milConnect Website or call 1-800-538-9552.
The MHS GENESIS Patient Portal is a secure website available 24/7 for access to your health information. It allows you to:
  • View health information.
  • Schedule appointments.
  • Communicate securely with providers.
  • Request prescription renewals.
  • View notes from your clinical visits and certain lab/test results, such as blood tests.
For more information on the MHS GENESIS Patient Portal,

Please read before requesting records from the ROI Office

ROI Information Line: (915) 742-0661
The ROI office copies official medical record sets within William Beaumont Army Medical Center (WBAMC), including all available MTF medical records and civilian records located within the Electronic Health Records (EHR).

Notice: Due to current staffing shortages, our phone lines may experience high call volumes. We appreciate your patience and encourage you to try calling again during mornings or outside of peak times.

Requests for inpatient records, and some outpatient records, take up to 30 days to process. Newly established inpatient records cannot be copied until they are assembled, coded, and signed by the provider. Please allow 30-45 days after discharge before requesting inpatient records. Not all MTF’s have integrated Inpatient Records into the Electronic Health Record, so additional requests at other MTF locations may be required.
Dept. of Behavioral Health (BH) and sensitive records must be reviewed and cleared by a provider before release. Please allow up to 30 days for processing. Not all BH records are available for release, such as Psychotherapy notes, Substance Abuse, Family Advocacy Program, and Sexual Assault Notes.
Active-Duty Service Members and their dependents are encouraged to contact their records custodian (WBAMC OPR or Mendoza OPR) to ensure that their paper Service Treatment Records (STRs) and dependent Non-Service Treatment Records (NSTRs) are filed in the Outpatient Records room prior to requesting complete copies of records. These paper-based records are not “scanned” in your Electronic Health Record. It is your responsibility to ensure that records are transferred from previous duty stations.
Duplicate Copies and Updates: You are entitled to one free copy of your medical records once every 365 days. Updates from the time of the last request to present are free. Requesting a second or duplicate copy within a calendar year will result in a $6.50 fee, payable here. Do not make a payment before contacting us and submitting your request for updates.
Dental Records are separate and requested through the Dental Department.
Radiology images such as X-Rays, MRIs, CT-Scans, etc. should be requested through the Radiology Department. ROI can only produce Radiology Reports and does not have access to images.
Expedited Requests. Requests are processed in the order they are received and can take as long as 30 calendar days, depending on the circumstances and volume of requests. Requests for appointments should be made at least 30 days in advance. Incomplete or incorrect requests will result in a delay of your records being processed. Only urgent continuity of care requests and subpoenas signed by a judge will be expedited. An urgent request is one that, without the records, could result in loss of life or bodily injury. Processing is expedited requests is dependent on staff availability.
All requests for information must include the following:
  • Patient's name
  • Patient's date of birth
  • Patient's DOD or patient’s social security number
  • Period of treatment/information needed with a start and end date
  • Statement authorizing WBAMC to release the records to a specific person/organization
  • An address and/or phone number of the receiving person/organization
  • The purpose for the release of the information
  • Expiration Date


Privacy protections apply to minors when a minor obtains care without parental consent and the minor, a court, some other person with legal authority to consent, has consented to medical care.
In accordance with DHA-Policy Memorandum 23-010, a minor is recognized as being able to provide informed consent for their own care, typically when they become adolescents (ages 13 to 17), and state and federal law under HIPAA protects their privacy interests. Parents and guardians of emancipated or married minors will not be provided copies of health records without proof of power of attorney or court order signed by a judge.
Parents, guardians, and others acting in loco parentis may still obtain medical records through the Release of Information Office for adolescents when the encounter was not one for which the adolescent provided their own consent or when the adolescent authorized in writing another’s access to their PHI for encounters for which they consented.
The minor must provide authorization on DD form 2870 (see below), to release the sensitive records mentioned above to parents or the parents can provide power of attorney (POA) documentation.
If immunizations are requested and immunization listed pertains to the sensitive categories, then the process for releasing sensitive records for unemancipated minors applies.
If the individual requesting records for unemancipated minor is not the biological parent, then legal guardianship documentation is required for any/all records requests.


A parent or legal guardian may request copies for minor children, physically, or mentally challenged persons, with appropriate documentation i.e. Medical Power of Attorney, a copy of a court order appointing guardianship, in accordance with DoDM 6025.18.
For deceased patients, a court appointed executor/administrator must consent to releasing copies. A copy of the death certificate and court order must accompany all requests. Executors/administrators must show legal documentation appointing them to the position. See DoDM 6025.18, para 4.5(g)(4).
All requests must be accompanied by a subpoena, signed by a judge, or a Medical Power of Attorney which specifically indicates release of medical records.

To begin, click here to download DD Form 2870

  • All blocks highlighted in yellow must be filled in legibly or the request will be returned.
  • Only check the boxes that you know you need. Requesting Behavioral Health and HIV records may delay your request up to an additional 30 days as a provider must review the records prior to release.
  • Digital signatures are not accepted unless signed with a DOD issued CAC.
  • All requests without a CAC signature must be hand signed and include a copy of a photo ID with a signature, like a state ID or Drivers License, NO CAC CARDS!
  • Email request with a photo ID (if applicable) by clicking here.
  • Unless specified otherwise, all Medical Records will be sent electronically via DOD Safe Access File Exchange (SAFE). You will receive a link in your email that will take you to SAFE. P
 Requesting Records on Behalf of Another Person
To obtain medical records for someone other than yourself or your minor dependents, you need a medical power of attorney. These can be obtained at the JAG office on Main Post on a case-by-case basis. To request records for someone other than yourself, the POA must state you are allowed to request records.
  • If you have a dependent who is under 18 but not your biological child, we may require proof of guardianship.
  • For deceased patients, only a court order appointing the next of kin can request copies of the decedent's records. All requests must include a copy of the death certificate. Executors or administrators of the estate must provide legal documentation showing their appointment, DoDM 6025.18, para 4.5(g)(4).

Outside Records from “Civilian Providers’’

The Release of Information office at WBAMC is only able to release records that are currently in your Electronic Health Record (EHR), however, you can have them added to your records under the following scenarios:
  • Not all documentation provided to WBAMC, or your provider is eligible for uploading into your EHR.
  • If William Beaumont referred you to an outside provider, that outside provider is obligated to return copies of your records to Referral Management to have it placed in your Electronic Health Record. The Referral Management phone number is (915) 742-3826.
  • If you saw a civilian provider without a referral from William Beaumont, those records might not automatically be included in your Electronic Health Record (EHR). To request their inclusion, submit them to your Primary Care Manager (PCM). Your PCM should either request copies directly from the civilian provider or review copies you have already obtained. These records must be reviewed and authenticated before they are uploaded into your EHR.
 Non-Billable Third-Party Requestors
William Beaumont AMC ROI office does not charge for the release of records pertaining to Disability Evaluation, Workman’s Compensation, or Continuity of Care Providers. Requests should clearly state this in the “reason for request” to qualify for exemption from billing. Please include an email address with your request so we can email you a secure download link for the records.

Billable Third-Party Requestors

William Beaumont AMC’s ROI office has increased medical record disclosure and delivery fees in accordance with the Texas Medical Association guidelines on January 1, 2022, and are subject to increase annually with the Consumer Price Index as outlined in the Texas HHS Code. William Beaumont ROI Fee Schedule.
All billable third-party requestors, such as retrieval companies, attorneys, and insurance agencies will be required to pay a basic retrieval or processing fee, which includes the first 10 pages for $52.12 at the time the request is submitted. Requests will be automatically rejected if not accompanied with a pre-payment. At the completion of the request, if the records contain more than 10 pages, an invoice will be sent for the remaining balance which is a flat fee of $42.30, plus materials and shipping fee of $5.00 if a CD is requested. Affidavits cost an additional $1.00 and must be specifically requested.
Radiology Images/Films can be requested for a separate fee of $52.12 paid at the time of the request and follow the same fees outlined above. Images will only be provided on a DICOM formatted disc. Please do not combine Medical Record and Radiology Image payments.
  • Medical Power of Attorneys and Court Orders must clearly state the POA has authority to request copies of records.
  • Only a court order appointing the next of kin can request copies of a deceased person's records. A copy of the death certificate must accompany all requests.
  • Subpoenas must include the signed patient authorization unless it is signed by the judge. Signed subpoenas will be expedited.
Mail your records request (with signed patient authorization or court order signed by the judge) and check payable to U.S. TREASURY to our new address below. Mailing requests to our old 5005 N. Piedras address will experience significant delays due to postal rerouting.
William Beaumont Army Medical Center
ATTN: ROI Box 817
18511 Highlander Medics
Fort Bliss, TX 79918

To submit your request electronically, make a payment to and forward your Payment Confirmation Email (with tracking ID) with the medical records request (including signed patient authorization) to Make separate payments of $52.12 for Medical Records and Radiology Images. Combined payments will be refunded, and a corrected payment will be requested which will cause delays in received records.

Billing Record Requests

The ROI office does not provide copies of Billing Records, but WBAMC OCG office can under certain exceptions. Billing records will not be provided to retrieval companies or 3rd party requesters. Please have your attorney contact WBAMC OGC office to request copies of Billing Records at (915) 569-3174.
Substance Abuse (SUDCC) Requests
All personal and 3rd party requests for SUDCC records will need to be requested on DD Form 3130 downloaded here. The patient is required to sign the form before a witness for the request to be valid. A behavioral health provider must clear records for release directly to patients which may require an additional 30 days. 3rd party requesters receiving SUDCC records are prohibited from disclosure to anyone else without the written consent of the patient.
Law Enforcement, Line of Duty, and Background Investigations
Investigations may be submitted on your agency form or download DD Form 4254 here. Requests should be limited in scope to protect the privacy of the patient. Requests are usually completed in 15 days or less. LODs should include a copy of the appointment orders or memorandum. The request should include the following:
  • Patient’s Name and SSN or DOD ID
  • Reason for the request
  • Start and End Date
  • Type of records (Outpatient, Inpatient, Behavioral Health, SUDCC, SANE, Radiology Images)
  • Affidavit required (yes or no)
  • Contact information including phone and email address
  • Requestor’s Name, Title, Organization and SSN or DOD ID
  • Copy of Appointment Orders if applicable
  • Email request or fax (915) 742-0710 and mark Attention Supervisor or Lead MRT.

Archived Records

Active-Duty Service Treatment Records (STRs) are routinely retired after separation from Active Duty. STRs retired after 2015 should be scanned as a part of the Electronic Health Record and will be available for copies at least 8 weeks after separation. STRs retired prior to 2015 will need to be requested from National Personnel Records Center (NPRC), St Louis, MO.
WBAMC maintains outpatient “paper” records called Non-Service Treatment Records (NSTRs) for a period of 2 years after the patient’s last medical encounter (excluding active-duty military and their dependents). Inpatient “paper” records are maintained for 5 years after the date of discharge. After such periods, the records are retired to NPRC, St. Louis, MO.
Patients may obtain their retired records directly from NPRC online at
or write to NPRC at the following address (es):
Active-Duty Military Records Dept of Veteran Affairs
Records Mgmt. Center
P.O. Box 5020
St. Louis, MO 63115
Dependent Records NPRC (CPR)
1411 Boulder Dr.
Valmeyer, IL 62295

Employee or Occupational Health Records
Please contact Occupational Health to request copies of employee health records at (915) 742-5247 or (915) 742-5302.

HIPAA Privacy Office

Patient Experience (Advocacy)

*Do not send any PHI/PII*


Contact Us


Appointment line: 915-742-2273
TRICARE Nurse Advice Line:​ 1-800-874-2273

Direct Phone



This number is for records requests only. 
All other documents will be destroyed.


18511 Highlander Medics Street
Attn:  Correspondence,    Box 817
Fort Bliss,   TX   79918


MHS Genesis Patient Portal image


18511 Highland Medics Street,
El Paso, Texas 79918
West Clinic, 1st Floor.
Locator map image

Don't forget to keep your family's information up to date in DEERS!