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December 11, 2024

Current COVID-19 Risk Level: LOW - Click Here for WBAMC Policies

Patient Resources

Chaplain Services

New hospital front panoramic view with religious service images

Here are some ways the WBAMC Ministry Team might be of service to you:

  • Spiritual counseling
  • Pastoral prayer and anointing of the sick
  • Specialized ministries to families in grief
  • Protestant worship service and catholic mass
  • Ecclesiastical requirements such as communion (bedside & chapel), weddings, baptisms, confirmation, dedication, and funerals
  • Religious reading materials
  • Special worship services
  • Staff retreats
  • CPE extended unit
  • Information on other denominations and services at Fort Bliss and the El Paso area

24 Hour On-Call Chaplain

The WBAMC Chaplain Office is served by three Protestant Chaplains and two priests. Other faith groups can be summoned for denomination specific rites. Please call us at (915) 742-5055 during duty hours (7:30 AM - 4 PM) or through the information desk (915) 742-2121 after duty hours (4 PM - 7:30 AM)

What Should You Expect of a Chaplain?

To be visible, intentional and caring beside you in training, available to you in leisure, before you in worship, and teaching you in hurts and joys. In life and word, expect a chaplain to proclaim God's grace, wisdom, love and presence to you.

The US Army Chaplaincy

The history of the chaplaincy of the United States Army reaches back to the beginnings of the nation itself. The organized chaplaincy was created by an act of the Continental Congress on July 29, 1775 upon the recommendation of General George Washington. Since then, Army chaplains have provided moral and spiritual leadership to generations of soldiers and families in peace and war.

Free Exercise of Religion

The William Beaumont Army Medical Center chaplains seek to protect the patients rights to free exercise of religious faith and help protect the right of religious privacy. When asked, chaplains will call a patients civilian clergy or religious leader and provide use of the chapel or a room for counseling as needed.

For additional matters of your faith ask your chapel staff personnel.

Contact Us


Duty Hours
915 742-5055
During duty hours (7:30 AM - 4 PM)

After Hours
915 742-2121
After duty hours (4 PM - 7:30 AM)

Appointment line: 915-742-2273
TRICARE Nurse Advice Line:​ 1-800-874-2273
Don't forget to keep your family's information up to date in DEERS!