Low Risk Pregnancy Schedule

Overview of OB Appointments for Uncomplicated Pregnancy
With each visit, your OB provider will provide you with the advice appropriate for that particular gestational age, and will also address any issues that you have regarding your pregnancy.
For uncomplicated pregnancy, one ultrasound is all that is recommended. Further ultrasounds will be ordered by your OB provider if issues warrant.
Schedule for Uncomplicated Pregnancy
8–12 weeks
- OB Physical - Us to confirm dating.
15–18 weeks
- Listen to baby’s heart beat.
- Optional Maternal Serum Analyte screen.
- Provider will order anatomy ultrasound to be done between 18–22 weeks.
20 weeks
- Us to evaluate babies development.
24 weeks
- Listen to baby’s heart beat.
- Discuss ultrasound result.
28 weeks
- Listen to baby’s heart beat.
- Screening for pregnancy induced diabetes.
- Rhogam if you are RH negative.
32 weeks
- Listen to baby’s heart beat - Monitor uterine growth.
36 weeks
- Listen to baby’s heart beat.
- Screening for Group Beta Streptococcus (Group B Strep Prevention )
- Go over birth plan, if you have one.
38–41 week, weekly visit
- Listen to baby’s heart beat.
- Cervical exam / membrane stripping if feasible.
41+ week
- Schedule for induction if still not delivered.
- Fetal surveillance.
- Cervical exam / membrane stripping.