Live in the West Region? There is now a referral approval waiver in place through April 30, 2025. >>Learn More

Also, you have until April 30 to set up your payment info if you pay by EFT, credit card, or debit card. This is for TRICARE Prime, TRICARE Select, TYA, TRS, and TRR plans. If you miss this deadline, you will be disenrolled back to Jan. 1. Visit today.

Health Services

Social Work Services (SWS)

New hospital front panoramic image

Helpful Ft. Bliss / El Paso Agencies

WBAMC Security Office (24 Hours) 915-569-2304
Fort Bliss Military Police (24 Hours) 915-568-2115
El Paso Police (24 Hours) 915-832-4400
WBAMC Emergency Room (24 Hours) 915-569-2331
WBAMC Family Advocacy Program – DMH 915-569-2800
Fort Bliss Community Service Center (CSC) 915-568-4878
CSC Victim Advocate 915-568-4878
Center on Family Violence Shelter 915-593-7300
STARS - Sexual Assault and Rape (24 Hours 915-779-1800
Statewide Texas Abuse Hotline (TDPRS) 1-800-252-5400
El Paso Child Protective Services 915-542-4535
Child Crisis Center of El Paso (0 to 12 years) 915-562-7955
Runaway Center of El Paso (13 to 17 years) 915-562-4765
YWCA Project Redirection (under 20 years old Family/Daughter) 915-757-0306
Fort Bliss New Parent Support Program 915-568-7800
Early Childhood Intervention (ECI) 915-534-4324

Family Advocacy Program

Family violence is an emergent and sometimes deadly occurrence which requires immediate attention. Access of the perpetrator and the safety of the victim must be immediately addressed and acted upon. In an emergency, report suspected or on-going family violence to

Military Police

915-568-2115 / 2116 / 2117 or 911
To make a report or schedule an intake to FAP, call 915-569-2800FAP is located at WBAMC, in the Main Hospital, on the 11th Floor, East.

Hours of Operation

Monday through Friday, 0730 to 1630 hours. An on-call Family Advocacy Social Worker is available after duty hours, weekends and holidays. The AOD and the Emergency Department personnel are the point of contact after duty hours for contacting the on-call FAP Social Worker.


The Army’s Family Advocacy Program (FAP) is a military program, which addresses spouse and child abuse/neglect. The primary goal of the FAP is to alleviate and prevent abuse by providing a variety of services to strengthen families and enhance their ability to adapt to military life. The aim of FAP is to protect those who are victims of abuse, to treat families affected by abuse, and to assure the availability of highly trained professionals to intervene in spouse and child abuse cases. Family Advocacy covers active duty military members and their families.

Spouse Abuse


To prevent spouse maltreatment, to intervene effectively when incidents do occur, to promote healthy family life, and to improve readiness and retention.


This program addresses the prevention, identification, evaluation, intervention, rehabilitation/behavioral education and counseling, follow up, and reporting of spouse abuse. Spouse abuse includes, but is not limited to, assault, battery, threat to injure or kill, or any other act of force, violence, or emotional abuse, or undue physical or psychological trauma, or fear of physical injury. This includes physical injury, sexual assault, intentional destruction of property, psychological abuse and stalking.

Child Abuse


This program addresses the prevention, identification, evaluation, intervention, rehabilitation/behavioral education and counseling, follow up, and reporting of child abuse. Child abuse includes the physical injury, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, deprivation of necessities, or other abuse of a child by a parent, guardian, employee of a residential facility, or any person providing out of home care, who is responsible for the child's welfare, under circumstances that indicate the child's welfare is harmed or threatened. The term encompasses both acts and omissions on the part of such a responsible person.


This program addresses child physical abuse, child neglect, and child sexual abuse.

Patients Served

Any actual or suspected family violence or neglect case that involves active duty military and/or family member must be called into Family Advocacy. This typically includes soldiers and their family members involved in domestic violence or at risk for family disruptions. Ages of the clients typically include birth to 50 years. Several professional standards and clinical practice guidelines for this clinic include:

  • WBAMC Regulation No. 40-608-18 Management of Suspected Abuse and Neglect of Patients
  • Army Family Advocacy Program, AR 608-18, 1 Sep 95
  • Memorandum of Agreement, WBAMC, Fort Bliss, Texas Department of Protective and Regulatory Service (Child Protective Service)
  • Texas Family Code, 261.101 – 261.202

Treatment managers in FAP are clinical social workers and they conduct individual counseling, case management, and psycho educational group therapy. The groups provided in FAP are:

  • Domestic Violence Intervention Program for men
  • Domestic Violence Intervention Program for women
  • Anger Management Group
  • Trauma Survivors Group for women

The focus of treatment is the reduction of domestic violence in family relationships. If a patient requires education and support, the patient is referred to both military and civilian agencies. If a patient needs longer on-going therapy, the patient can be referred to outpatient psychiatry clinic or a TRICARE Network provider.

Contact Us



Military Police:

2116/2117 or 911

Appointment line: 915-742-2273
TRICARE Nurse Advice Line: 1-800-874-2273

Don't forget to keep your family's information up to date in DEERS!